Leap Year 2-29-24

 How one of our books came about.  Thursday 2-29-24 (Leap Year)

This book released by two of our daughters was based on a set of conversations one night.

Back Story:

Back around 2008, we moved into a home in an Austin suburb on a street named Hollow Ridge. After a few weeks, we began to hear a woman's voice at night coming from empty rooms. Weird things kept happening.
Several nights when I was alone in the computer room I felt a presence behind me but no one was there. Then some nights I would feel a light touch on my right arm or ear. Again no one was there. 
After a while, you would not be surprised by this. 
When one of my brothers and I were playing an online game we both felt someone brush across our back from left to right. We both turned at that moment and saw a figure go out the wall where a window was. My brother turned in surprise and asked who had just gone out the door. I pointed and said that it was a window, not a door. 

Our daughter Brandy and her friend a Wiccan came to the house and did a reading. They said it was a spirit from the 1800's named Sarah and she was drawn to all the computers and such in this one room. 
They did a white noise reading. 

My mother visited and we did not mention this to her. After she left she told my brother she had encountered a cold black mist in the hallway in the middle of the night but had not told us.  He then told her that we had a ghost named Sarah living there.

A few months later my neighbor came over and she was being very serious. She asked if we had seen a female ghost in our home. I asked why and she said that one comes and goes to their house and she noticed it goes out the wall toward our home. We told her yes and what we knew about it.

In 2023 book was written:
So after reliving these memories, I helped Kassie and Brandy get this first book written. I suggested some of the key changes like timeline, location, and introducing the cults and fallen angels. 

Hope you like the book get it as an eBook or Paperback from Amazon.

D. G. McCool
Indie Author


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