
Showing posts from March, 2024
 Getting what you pay for is not always true. Back in 2020, I took two short stories I had written and merged them into one manuscript, which became a novel.  Story one was about a person through various events, was touched by magic, and his third eye was awakened. He suffered his death in the line of duty as a cop and saw things as an out-of-body experience. He returned with unique abilities, including seeing people's auras as good and evil. He could also see the orbs of the dead and communicate with them, which helped him with some police cases. The second story was about a translator who was used to transcribe ancient Sumerian clay tablets for a museum. He uncovers lost secrets of reincarnation for all and that the governments and religious groups are controlling the will of the people. He starts telling people, and it causes an uproar. He is in hiding as they are hunting him down to silence him. Once merged, these two stories became the basis for "Truth Dreamers." I t

March Update

 March 25th, 2024  I hope everyone is having a windy March. Get ready for the April showers. We have been busy at San-del Writers. Check out the website and Blog to see all the activity. I had my third author interview, and it was a lot of fun. My first interview in 2021 was about 6 minutes long, the second one earlier this year was 12 minutes long, and the one last week was about 1 hour and 15 minutes long. Each host has been wonderful to work with.  Next month, on the 27th of April, 26 Indie authors will attend a huge book signing southeast of Houston, TX, at San Leon Pier 6. If you are close, come out, meet the authors, and support the local Texas economy.  Bring your book to get it signed, or purchase a new one.  Thanks D. G. McCool Jr.

Live Indie Author interview link

 Well, I had a great interview live online on Wednesday, 3-20-2024.  The link below will take you to the video file. Video Link: The link below that is to the Audio file. Audio link: Facebook link: Carter Novels Coming up on April 27th in San Leon, Texas, is a Book Blowout featuring Texas Indie Authors.  Hope to see everyone there to meet their favorite Texas Authors.  D. G. McCool Jr. Indie Author

March Madness as writers

Happy Saturday! I have not been writing for about two weeks. I was sick with Pine Tree allergies. I am much better now. Next week, on 3-20-24, I have a 1-hour live Indie author review on a Podcast.  Updated my online photo. Keep following us and checking out our books. Appreciate all those who support us. Thanks, D. G. McCool Jr. Indie Author

March 11th, 2024 / Monday

 A lot of stuff going on. Started to publish the sideline books.  The Enchanted Forest - eBook on Amazon and on other sites.  Coming soon to print book form.  The next one will be the Dark Side of Heaven book. Till next time. D. G. McCool Jr.

Release of the new book, The Enchanted Forest

  Yesterday March 5th, 2024 Wednesday, we launched our children's book, The Enchanted Forest . This book is written for adults who want to understand the background of children's stories and the importance of developing good bonding habits with their children. Check it out now in eBook on Amazon and other sites. Thanks D. G. McCool jr.

March 1st, 2024 -New website Domain link and more

 March 1st, 2024 - Friday  A couple of things here. One is the new domain link to our new website. Another thing I use is the term "Sideline Book".  What this means in my world is a stand-alone book, not part of a scheduled series. It just pops up on the sideline waving for me to put it into the game of publishing at San-del Writers.  So these one-off books will normally be under my name as Del McCool vs D. G. McCool Jr.  Wilson: Senior Care Guide for your Maltipoo The Dark Side of Heaven, Fallen Angel, and the Occult Enchanted Forest: Fairy Tales for kids and parents  These are outside the other books on our planned roadmap.  Hope you have a great day. D. G. McCool Jr. Indie Author Newest Book from San-del Writers